Butter and its Enchanting Universe

Butter×Variations in the World 's star

This is a star of Butter x Its Variations in the World.
Marinfood imports butter from various countries including New Zealand, America,
France and Germany.
Do you know whatkinds of butter exist in the world and where?
Let us look into the world ofbutter that you may not have known yet.

Butter in the World

In Japan we mainly consume non-fermentation butter that has simpler flavor, yet there are different kinds of butter in the world. Here we introduce you butter from different countries.

①Ghee, Butter in India

In India people consume butter called ghee. You may know that breeding cows is popular in India. People breed buffalos as they have plenty of milk despite the hot weather in India. People make fermented butter out of buffalo milk then skim the milk constituent off to make the butter not to be perished despite its hot and humid weather. Its usage is wide-ranging, and people add ghee to flavor chai and curry, or use it as cosmetics or medicine.

②Goat or Sheep Butter in Europe

In Japan, butter is generally produced using cow’s milk. In Europe, people also make butter from goats or sheep. Goat’s butter is rarely made because its fat globule is small and tough to produce butter. You may make 20g butter out of 1L goat’s milk. In the meanwhile, sheep butter is broadly produced and popular with its rich flavor in Europe. Besides butter, sheep milk is used for yoghurt and cheese also.

③Shar Tos, Butter in Mongolia

Shar Tos or yellow oil in Mongolia is a type of butter oil that is produced by heating and evaporating water off Urum or fermented skim milk. For nomadic people in Mongolia, those milk products are indispensable in their everyday life and Shar Tos is also used as oil to make fire.

④Fermented (Cultured) Butter in Europe

Although sweet cream butter or non-fermentation butter is mainly consumed in Japan, quite oppositely fermented (cultured) butter is popular in Europe from old times. To make fermented butter lactic acid bacterium is added to cream then fermented. Butter making has been practiced from ancient times and rumor has it the butter was accidentally fermented because it took long hours to churn. Fermented butter has more richness than non-fermentation butter and a unique tangy and creamy flavor. Recently more fermented butter products are seen in markets and are attracting people’s attention.

The Amount of Production and Consumption of Butter

How much butter is produced in which countries? Here we introduce you the top 4 production and consumption countries in the world.

①The Amount of Production of Butter

The No.1 production amount country in the world in 2020 was India’s 6.1 million tons. In India the amount of buffalo milk occupies more than half of the whole milk production. In the meanwhile, Japan produces 62,000 tons of butter which is about 1/100 the amount of India, and it deeply depends on import butter. The 4th production country in the world is America, and about half of its milk fat production is processed to cheese, so the amount of butter production is less than that of cheese in America.

②The Amount of Consumption of Butter

The world top butter consumption country in 2020 is India and 6.055 million tons. India produces the top amount so its self-sufficiency rate is about 100%. However, as the population increases, the consumption amount is also expected to increase. And so when production does not catch up with it, the import amount may also increase.