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- Smoke Flavored Polvoron Cookies
Smoke Flavored Polvoron Cookies

Products Used

Smoked Butter
Smoke Flavored Polvoron Cookies
Ingredients (20 to 25 pieces)
- MF Smoked Butter
- 56g
- pastry flour
- 60g
- almond powder
- 50g
- powdered sugar
- 35g
- chocolate decorating pen
- some
- Cooking time
- 50minutes
- Calory
- 1031kcal
- Bring the butter to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Dry roast the flour in a pan on low heat for about 10 minutes. When it is cooled off, add almond powder and powdered sugar then sift them.
- Put smoke butter in a bowl then whisk until it is creamy. Add 【1】 then mix it until it is even with a rubber spatula.
- Knead the above by hand, enfolding and pressing it on the bowl surface for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Roll out the above into 1 cm thick dough using a rolling pin. Cut out shapes with a cookie cutter. Set them on a baking tray covered with a baking sheet then cook it for 15 minutes in an oven. Let it cool down then decorate them with a chocolate pen.
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